About Me
At a young age, I spent nearly every second of free time journaling and drawing doodles. I would fill up page after page with all my thoughts, stories, and ideas. It was the way I meditated and expressed myself.
Years later, I have come to especially enjoy writing poetry, prose, and nonfiction. I also enjoy designing, hand-lettering, playing musical instruments, and songwriting... and I still draw a lot of doodles in my journal. :)
This unbridled attraction to art of all forms continues to spark my interest and now I am the process of building my career!
I attended Sunbright School K-12 grade and graduated in 2019. During high school, I was involved in FCA, Beta Club, Marching Band, Pep Band, and Drama Class.
From singing in talent shows to making banners, I was always invested in something that sparked my creativity.
Fall 2019- Spring 2021
In Spring 2021, I graduated from Roane State Community College with an Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) degree in Music.
While at Roane State, I was apart of the Jazz Band, Bluegrass Band, Stage Band, Choir, as well as a Member and President of Music Orientation Experience (MOE).
Fall 2021 - May 2024
In Fall 2021, I transferred to Tennessee Tech University planning to study Music Education. However, after studying there for a year, I realized that writing, creating stories, and embracing my creativity was what I wanted to devote my time to instead. Therefore, I changed my major to a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a theatre concentration and a minor in music performance.